Thursday, May 6, 2010

What GIRL heard...

Yesterday I went to a parent "coffee with the Director" meeting at BOY's school. I brought GIRL with me. It was an informal gathering, all of us sitting on benches together in the kitchen. The primary topic was on the status of the middle & upper school's move for the fall. The site that they're considering has lots of positives, including being a block away from a beautiful park with a new gymnasium and athletic fields, all of which could be used for the school. Various things were discussed, including a parent's concern about a liquor store located near the proposed site.

As GIRL and I walked out to the car, I asked her if she had understood anything that we were talking about. She asked me a couple of questions, and then she said:

Mommy, how come they kept talking about the licorice store?

Portrait of GIRL painted by BOY. Artwork done with a feather tip, dipped in watercolors.

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  1. That's too cute! I thought she was going to ask you about jack o'clock. That's what mine would have done.

  2. Aw, that painting is just lovely.

  3. I firmly believe they hear every word and will choose the most inappropriate time to regurgitate it back.

    We recently made a pit stop at the liquor store and both boys became irate that we were stopping. They informed me to get enough wine so we don't keep running out.

  4. I also love the idea of a licorice store.

    And love the painting. How fun to use a feather for a brush.

  5. I agree with Manic Mommy - our words often come back to haunt us...and keep us humble. Thanks for sharing the story!

  6. *huge laugh*

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, my friend!


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