Tuesday, January 8, 2013

 The return to school post holiday break has been a rough ride in the mornings at Casa de Motherscribe. For all involved... No one wants to get up. No one.  It is dark. It is cold. It is time for school, work and life to resume, yet who wants to do that? Not JCK's children, apparently. 

This morning after going through the check list: shoes & socks on, hair brushed, breakfast eaten, backpacks ready, and lunches packed, they were off with 8 minutes to spare until the school gate closed. Clutching her cup of tea to her bosom, JCK hustled her two children to the car. 

Enroute, JCK looked down into her cup of sacred liquid caffeine of Jasmine and made a small gasp...

JCK: Oh, yuck a bug flew in my cup.  Oh, well...

BOY: Mom! You CAN'T drink out of that cup! 

JCK: Oh, a little bug won't hurt me, I'll just get it out.

BOY: MOM!! Bugs carry DISEASES!! You CANNOT drink out of that cup.

JCK: A little bug isn't going to hurt me, BOY! For Heaven's Sake.

JCK drinks....


Little does BOY know that JCK would die indeed without her ritual cup of tea in the morning. GIRL, wise one that she is...refrained from commenting...

Photo courtesy of: knotworkshop.com

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Beauty in all things...

There are days in which writing is like slogging through mud...backwards.  I've grown adept at avoiding myself here on the page. Naively, I keep believing that one day I will wake up and it will be easy again - words tumbling end over end to land in neat rows. This New Year brings with it hope and thoughts of starting fresh, a clean slate, and letting go of things that tug me down into a dissatisfying stew of deep misgivings and second guesses.

As always, I see the passage of time, that elusive will-o'-the-wisp, through the lives of my children. Their limbs grow longer and they move with more purpose. I continue to be amazed by their differences. My daughter lives to go to school. She loves every aspect of learning, stretching and challenging herself. My son's discomfort with doing work in the classroom is a constant onslaught of a very different set of challenges, and it just keeps getting harder.

I wish to be more conscious of the beauty around me in the New Year. Beauty in all things...and knowing that what will be will be, yet it will be OK.

Art work courtesy of: http://flina.deviantart.com/

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