Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tell me about the week, Mama.

My daughter and I have a ritual. After lights out, I sit on her bed in the dark and we talk about the upcoming week. She likes me to go over each day, telling her what is planned, what may happen, and what could be. GIRL is not big on surprises. She loves her life carved out in orderly pieces, with dashes of spontaneity.

Sunday night was such a night. We were at my mother's house, so she was sleeping in a big bed. I was able to lie next to her, both of us quietly breathing in the dark.

Tell me about the week, Mama.

And, I did.

We arrived at Tuesday, the first day of 1st grade.

Would you like me to walk you to your classroom on Tuesday, GIRL?

Yes, Mommy.

There was a sigh in the dark. Both of us, in synch, thinking very different thoughts.

Mommy, do parents get to stay for the morning on the first day in 1st grade, like they did in Kindergarten?

I don't think so, GIRL.

OK. Then I don't want you to volunteer on Tuesday.

Would you like to have the day to yourself, so that you can tell me about it?

Yes! And, after Tuesday, you can volunteer whenever you want to! But, not on Tuesday.

O.K., my little schnooks.

I kissed the soft baby hair that falls across my daughter's forehead, and said Good Night.

How can this little girl be so wise?

And, then came yesterday...

I was fine until GIRL lined up with all the children outside the classroom, and GIRL's teacher told the parents to give their child a hug and a kiss good-bye. It was time. Everyone knew it, but me. I hugged my GIRL tight, and let go... Then I walked away. She was ready, but my sunglasses didn't quite make it back over my wet eyes...

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  1. It's so strange that I've known you for so long I remember you looking at preschools!

    I love that she KNOWS that, of course, you will volunteer.

  2. I bet she had a great day. How did you do?

  3. Sunglasses!! I have got to remember to wear sunglasses next year! I'm sure you had WAY more dignity than I will be able to manage. :)

  4. Aw, so perfect, so innocent! GIRL probably had a wonderful day! My daughter started her first day of grade one too....all the children in kindergarten are so small compared to our grade oners!!


  5. Aw, so perfect, so innocent! GIRL probably had a wonderful day! My daughter started her first day of grade one too....all the children in kindergarten are so small compared to our grade oners!!


  6. How sweet and brings back so many memories and emotions. Not very nice, though, making me cry first thing in the morning.


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