Tuesday, June 8, 2010

...being in the moment to enjoy it

As we come into the home stretch for the school year, breathing is often forgotten. Instead, there is full-out hyperventilating. BOY and GIRL? Fine. Me? Not so much.

So, this afternoon sitting under a shady tree in the front yard of a close friend, as our kids played, we declared Jack O'Clock a bit early. Why not? Children were safe. The sky was blue and cloudless. So, we sat in Adirondack chairs. Leaning back. Laughing a bit. And, for the first time, in a long time...I felt the stress slip away for a while.

It's been a challenging spring. Yet, when you really STOP and get off that roller coaster that doesn't seem to end...it feels healing. Especially the laughter...oh, the laughter. I've missed it.

Here's to blue skies, shared laughter, inhaling the beauty of my children, and ...being in the moment to enjoy it.

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  1. I need that night. I'm glad you had it.

  2. I love times like that! So glad that you got a break to catch your breath.


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