Wednesday, May 25, 2011

the work will come

I am always flummoxed by the writing process. Some days the words tumble out, and it is all I can do to catch them. A joyful emptying and flow that invites me along for the ride. Other times, it is brutal. I paddle in circles, or my boat is sinking as I madly bail, the water coming in as fast as I can toss it out...

It helps to clear away the piles surrounding my desk, sharpen my I love the smell of newly sharpened pencils, stack my post-its and yellow pads. Then walk away. The work will come.

So, I am immersed in reading a memoir. Bathing myself in another woman's words. It's all I want to do. Escape into a life story with a different rhythm. Safely. Under the covers of my own bed...

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  1. I think reading is essential to were refueling.

  2. Memoirs are particularly good, aren't they? You can hear the voice.

    I find sometimes the best writing happens when the subject comes in a flash, unexpectedly. But you can't court that - so just writing for exercise keeps your chops up.

  3. I adore memoir. I just started Tina Fey's and it is doing its trick for me--escapism and humor along with some thinking.


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