Monday, July 18, 2011

The gift of GAB with BOY & GIRL

JCK is continually uplifted and struck agog with the things her children say. Take this morning, when her BOY approached her in the kitchen...

BOY: I love you mom. But...sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to.

JCK he breaking up with me? ?!!

BOY: You my marble maze. We can't move forward on it because of that part that's in the wrong place.

JCK: Yeah. That blasted Marble MAZE. I was pretty frustrated with that thing, wasn't I?

BOY: Yes, you were. I thought you were going to BLOW. Blow your stack.

JCK: Me, too, BOY. Me, too...


GIRL: You may be older than me, BOY. But, you may not know MUCH about girls.

GIRL, if you only knew....

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  1. Oh, that is too much! My favorite part is "we can't move forward on it", like it is a serious construction project!

  2. LOVE your blog. You look just like me when I'm writing, (except for the quill pen, of course!!!)

  3. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again.

    Gift Ideas For Boy


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