Discussion around the dinner table with young children always gives us an opportunity to look at things differently. Take BOY for example. We were discussing a new TV show that he gets to stay up and watch on Wednesday nights, if he's having a good week. It's called, LEGO Ninjago.
JCK: It really is pretty cute, E.K., you should check it out sometime.
E.K.: So, you said.
BOY- looking at his parents askance after the word "cute" was launched into the discussion of "his TV show."
BOY: It's a really great show...............except for the ROMANCE.
E.K.: Not too much into the romance, are you? That will change.
BOY: Dad! Mom! Don't you KNOW this?! Romance is my MORTAL ENEMY!
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Omg! What a great quote! And a stunningly beautiful picture!