Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So, where is JCK today? In 2010?

All of her life, JCK has wished to be...exotic. Sadly. She. Is. Not. Exotic. True, she does sport a head of silver hair upon her head. Alas, people can and will call it gray. And, gray? Not exotic. Foolhardy. Not sexy, not even Wow Charlie. Perhaps, some women might call her hair plan, Just plain Stupid.

Growing up, JCK always looked like the girl next door. As a child, throw her a goat, and she'd have been Heidi. In her 20s, she did walk on the wild side...a bit. There was that stint working for Eastern Onion Singing Telegrams (yes, that is JCK as "the nurse.") back in the 80s. Then there was the brief, yet memorable, bizarre gold/silver lace classic combo attire period, while working as a hat check girl in NYC...the late 80s. Truth be told? JCK kind of sashayed through the 80s. She had a bit of flair. A kind of charming, blundering, naivete.

So, where is JCK today? In 2010? Well...she is beginning to imagine herself as a new type of exotic. JCK has evolved, people. No more run of the mill exotica for her. No. Her idealized version of EXOTIC is ...well, one of those women who appears to step out of a magazine. You know the type. Unruffled, yogasized, well sexed (as opposed to under or over), on the plus side of sleep, whose children appear scrubbed and never, ever whine, and at the end of the day? She only has kind words for her husband. Now that? Would be exotic.



Would you come down, please?

But, why? It is so comfortable here in never, never land.


*sigh* Yes. O.K. OKAY!!!!!

JCK is slipping into her imaginary khakis...oh, the sexiness...the mystery... BUT. The pockets? Appear to be flaring outwards. The pockets. Flaring. This will NOT do.

JCK is back in her ripped jeans. Exotic khaki clad women will have to be admired. From afar....

Being authentic in 2010! JCK likes that. She likes it...a lot.

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  1. Eh.. khaki's are over-rated anyway. If you aren't careful to pair them with just the right top you might end up looking like you work at Target. (oh the horror!) Enjoy the jeans, and the kids and the gorgeous hair.. because girl, your hair truly is gorgeous.

  2. Exotic is overrated. Classic is where it's at!

    I raise my glass of antioxidant-filled, weight-loss inducing green tea to you, my friend.

  3. you look totally hot in ripped jeans :p

  4. I've seen your hair--it is definitely silver.

  5. Beautiful JCk, I love that you are living into the authentic. It comes so natural to you that it almost makes you...gasp...exotic!

  6. So, basically, you are starting the new year off by talking to yourself. ; )

  7. jck....jeans, sexy. khakis? not so much. you get those jeans on, girl! and wear the fishnets too!

  8. Exotic or not.
    Authentic or not.
    I like JCK anyhow...

  9. i have become horribly addicted to sweatpants and yoga pants... can't even manage to find my jeans.....

  10. Oh, i'd love to be yogasized!

    I'm doing the black pants thing. I have about 12 different black pants, all of which are distinctly different to me - although I suspect, not to anyone else.


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