Saturday, April 17, 2010

BOY ruminates on his millions

BOY: Mommy?

JCK: mmmm?

BOY: Someday! I'm going to be a millionaire. And, then...I'm going to take a big milk bath, because I can drink it up!

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  1. Is there a better way to spend your money? (Okay, I don't really believe that because I hate mile, but it sounded good).

  2. Of all the things he could do with millions of dollars! I love the way kids' minds work.

  3. i love it. my kids plan is to buy every lego set in the lego catalog. may we never have a million dollars

  4. I like the idea - and I think I'd like it better if it were chocolate milk - but I'm cautious about drinking anything after I bathed in it. :)

  5. awww, and kinda ew. but mostly awww


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