Writer/Performers Pictured above: (Left to right) Erika Schickel, JCK, creator Amy Simon, and Carol Schlanger at KPFK Studio in N. Hollywood, CA. [Performers not pictured: Heidi Fischer Clarke, Beth Deitchman and Barbara Schroeder]
I was thrilled to be asked to perform again recently on Amy Simon's radio show: Motherhood Unplugged. Amy is an amazingly talented woman who has the longest one woman show in Los Angeles: Cheerios in my Underwear. "The show is Amy’s hilarious and poignant journey as a modern S.A.H.M. (stay-at-home-mom). Soon after becoming a mother and usually feeling one laundry load away from a nervous breakdown, Amy started writing down, on little bits of paper, her observations, feelings and real life experiences as a sleep-deprived, nurture-shocked mommy. After a couple of years of this, she joined Mothers And More, a support group for Stay-At-Home-Moms, entered a comic writing contest and won first prize with her essay “It Never Ends”. This gave her the confidence to continue. As an actress, improviser and sometime theater producer, she wrote her first performance piece about being a mom, put it in a show she was co-producing and that was the beginning."
Amy provides an incredibly supportive environment to all the women who are a part of her radio show. She has a true gift in putting each show together - balancing humor and pathos, with a healthy dose of zaniness. All part of motherhood.
I read my piece on feminism and being a SAHM, which was chosen earlier this year for BlogHer of the Week . My segment is about 41.25 minutes into the show, with a tiny chit chat after the music break, but if you have the time I encourage you to sit down and listen to the entire show. I am humbled being in the company of such talented women.
DOWNLOAD: kpfk_090523_070100pperf.mp3
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