Friday, October 24, 2008

I was going to be Auntie Mame!

I tend to paint life with a big brush. You may have noticed. It is who I am. On the outside I look like your average mom. On the inside resides a combination of...

Mae West and ....

Julie Andrews.

Oh.... how I would have loved to have performed in musical theater, but wasn't my forte. I wasn't a song and dance gal. I was always the wide-eyed ingenue.

If you'd asked me if I wanted children when I was in my 20's, I would have been unsure. In all my fantasies, the role of mom just didn't come up. I was going to be Auntie Mame! An apartment in Manhattan and a cottage in Connecticut. A life of my own making. Not having children of my own, I would swoop into town to visit nieces and nephews, bearing gifts and regaling them with stories from the TheAhhter. Oh, yes...I would be a raconteur full of verve and effervescence. A life lived on champagne and Alkaseltzer.

THAT didn't happen.

But, something else did. I met my husband at an audition for an IBM Industrial training film...of all the romantic places. Just a mere 15 1/2 years ago, when we met... Yes, we both got that job, and on Wednesday we celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. We have two amazing children! How did that happen? It's a journey...

Happy Anniversary, E!

Is that a pistol in your pocket, big fella, or are ya just glad to see me?

The hills are ALIVE....with the SOUND of CHILDREN....

***Photos courtesy of Google Images

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  1. Happy Anniversary!!! I love that you embrace your inner Broadway musical.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your day (and night).

  3. *laugh* You made me laugh AGAIN!
    Happy Anniversary! 13 years, Wow! that's a long time! *smile*

  4. Happy Anniversary! Did you get to see that movie you wanted to see yet?

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and your "E"...My Dh and I are both "E", so with a last name that starts with T we are ET2!
    I was supposed to be Auntie Mame too! 'cept I have significantly less Mae West than you have!
    Blessings to you all, EJT

  6. Happy Anniversary! Lucky 13 ! Ain't married life grand?

    In the words of Auntie Mame, "Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"

  7. I have that same fantasy.

    Happy Anniversary!

  8. I have that same fantasy.

    Happy Anniversary!

  9. I have a friend who met the real Auntie Mame once much later in her life. Let's just say that did not turn out well. You are much better off going your own route.

    Happy Anniversary!

  10. Happy Anniversary!! You'd have been great as Mame!

  11. Happy Anniversary !!!

    The Matron thinks herself a bit Dorothy Parker and Judith Guest!

  12. Happy Anniversary!

    (you make me laugh...)

  13. Happy Anniversary! If you'd been on Broadway I might have seen you but wouldn't have the privilege of knowing you. Hello, Mommy!

  14. It's funny how we envision our lives and how they turn out. I gotta say, I was a bit insulted by your most recent post, so I couldn't comment on it.

  15. more mommies need to tap into their inner auntie mames!

    Happy Anniversary!

  16. You forgot "Matchmaker Matchmaker"... does he make you dance on the roof? Or is that too cold with your mound of venus ripped off?

  17. Happy anniversary! And happy double life :D


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