GIRL started talking early. She has been able to carry on full, interactive conversations now for some time, rather than just the stream-of-consciousness monologues thrust at you by many her age. Sometimes it is easy to forget that she is only 4. She grasps intricate concepts, and she is what we like to call in the theater world, a quick study. She memorizes things very fast. A few weeks ago, I was reading aloud to BOY a letter that had come home for the parents, detailing how they would be doing a different shape each day and plan the morning's activities around that particular shape. There was a schedule of: Monday: circle, Tuesday: square, etc. I read it once aloud, and the next day GIRL recited most of the week's shape schedule. She had memorized it from my saying it aloud one time. It was impressive.
When she and I are out and about, people will overhear her conversing with me at the grocery store, or on some errand and will comment on her dexterity with language. It is fun. Except when she starts with the questions...ahhh, yes the questions. Why? Why? Why? And after I explain, with some detail, she goes deeper into the WHY? She is a critical thinker.
The blessings are many with this GIRL of mine. She is the best company you could hope for, and has a pretty good gauge on when she's had enough.
"I didn't know that shopping would take THIS long..."
Rather than a tantrum in the store.
Or: "Mommy, I'm tiiired." Some days, she needs to go to her room and chill for an hour with a stack of books. I like to listen at the door and hear her "reading" them aloud. At night, when she's really tired - she's tired, she knows it, and she wants to go to bed.
There are always exceptions, but basically that is how she flies. She is incredibly loyal and delights in her friendships. She loves to make art projects for everyone in the family, including BOY. The rate at which she is learning to write her letters is amazing. I take joy in her pleasure.
But, heaven help you if you go up against her. She is tough. And...she has a fiery temper. When she's really upset she works herself up into such a state that she gets scared she won't be able to come back down.
There are times when she takes my breath away. She is a brainiac. She is competitive. And she is strong willed. All qualities I would have loved to have. All qualities that I am so happy that she has for herself. Yet, qualities that are a challenge to parent...
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