Tuesday, November 20, 2007

NaBloPoMo - Day 20- ....there he was on the ultrasound monitor!

October 2003

The sound of his heartbeat filled the room. It was strong, loud and real. And then...there he was on the ultrasound monitor! Such tiny arms and legs, and a brief glimpse of his little face too quickly turned away. Suddenly, there was a quick movement of his hand. As if he was saying.....Hello, Mommy, I'll be with you and Daddy soon.

I wish you could experience this
, T said.

Oh, but I am, but I am... I said.

To be continued...

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  1. There really is nothing like seeing your child for the first time isn't there.

  2. With each installment, I find myself happier and happier (even though I know your outcome). Isn't that just the most amazing thing ever? And I love how he WAS experiencing it too.


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