We are so small.
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10:00 PM
left their flourish
Labels: Having faith, Life issues
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7:38 PM
left their flourish
Labels: Letting go, marriage, things that make me go aaahhh....
JCK is about to leave on a daredevil adventure. Sky diving? Bungee jumping? Rock climbing? No. It requires logistical ingenuity, a small suitcase, and a husband. JCK is....getting away for the weekend. With her husband.
Alone... together. For 2 nights, and 3 days.
JCK is thrilled and excited and a little nervous... JCK and her husband have not had any extended time ALONE together in almost 7 years. Indeed, they have not been overnight TOGETHER away from their children ever.
JCK's mother was heard to say..."This is a little extreme." Yes, perhaps. But, for a long time, JCK could not imagine ever wanting to be away from her children overnight. To miss kissing those soft cheeks, hearing the daily stories, having arms flung around her at all hours of the day...
Yet, now JCK is ready! More than ready. Past ready... Not sure if she recollects READY.
JCK cannot remember what it was like to have a conversation with her husband uninterrupted by sudden strumming on a guitar, shouts of MOMMY, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST as her son wields his SWAT man costume handcuffs, by the blast of a World War II bugle, or her daughter urgently calling her...from another room. MOMMY, I NEED YOU NOW.
JCK is more than ready to celebrate her anniversary with her husband. 15 years ago today. It is time to recapture that magic. That je ne sais quois...
JCK is prepared. JCK and E are blessed that their Sister-n-law, Aunt P, will be staying with BOY & GIRL for the duration of the weekend. She is THE BEST! Uncle M will be joining in on some of the fun, too. And, friends are pitching in! It takes a small village to deal with a small BOY & a small GIRL.
The refrigerator is stocked. The house is somewhat clean. JCK uses the term loosely.
JCK and her sister-n-law have gone over so many extensive notes, you'd think they were preparing for the return tour of Donny Osmond. There are the food likes/dislikes, the bedtime routines, the favorite things to do, the cautions. The pets...
Aunt P takes it all in calmly. She is the mother of two children herself. Aunt P is not frightened! This is what JCK tells herself...
So, they are off!! JCK and her husband of 15 years. To discover parts unknown...
This post is dedicated to Aunt P and Uncle M, who were there on our wedding day 15 years ago today, and continue to be there always.
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5:24 AM
left their flourish
Labels: Family Life, fun, relationship issues
We are in that golden period in which my two children are the same digit. For 63 days they share a number. This year it is 6. You see, my children are 9 months and 27 days apart. Every family has its story. That is ours.
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9:55 PM
left their flourish
Labels: BOY, children 10 months apart, Family Life, GIRL
Tonight I was fixing dinner after swimming lessons. GIRL was helping in the kitchen. BOY was watching a program about wolves on a nature channel.
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8:21 PM
left their flourish
Labels: BOY, What children say
As some weeks are, mine has been full of highs and lows. I'm finding myself drawn to reading one of my favorite childhood books...Miss Suzy. All about a little squirrel who loses her beloved home. Left to fend for herself, she befriends and cares for some toy soldiers, who love her so much they're willing to fight the red squirrels and win her home back for her in the tree.
Photos courtesy of Google Images. From the children's book, Miss Suzy, by Miriam Young. Pictures by Arnold Lobel.
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7:45 PM
left their flourish
JCK is blessed with the ignorance of false youth. An illusion she just cannot seem to shed with any resolve. She imagines herself and her body...younger somehow. More flexible, immune to injury.
Take a day earlier this week, for example. A beautiful day, somewhere upwards of 99 in the shade. JCK was playing with her children in the sand box for a while, when suddenly she felt a mad impulse to run. Across the grass. Imagining herself floating somehow, toes barely touching the earth, running through the grass as if she were a young fawn...
The reality, unfortunately, not that graceful. A little tango that turned...bad. JCK stumbled into a hole and fell gracelessly to earth, moaning ...having twisted her ankle. The bad one.
The one she sprained all those years ago when E had to carry her out of the Georgian forrest. One mile out, atop his macho back. Yes, that ankle.
Luckily for JCK, her ankle was not badly sprained this time. However, JCK's ego, which was a bit fragile to begin with, has been taken down a notch or two. Her image of herself floating above the grass like a wood nymph, has evolved into the crash of the mammoths. And those ancient beasts, related to elephants, never forget. Until the next time...
Photo: Homemade stretcher made by GIRL.
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3:44 PM
left their flourish