dun dun TCH!
dun dun TCH!
You got mud on yo' face
Yo' big disgrace
dun dun TCH!
dun dun TCH!
Listening to him, E and I enjoy his instrumental sound effects...dun dun TCH! , dun dun TCH!.. most of all. Although I think BOY's favorite part is definitely "...mud on your face."
BOY has suddenly discovered music. While we were at Ma'Mai and Pops over Labor Day, he quickly found an old bugle and figured out how to blow it. I was quite struck with him figuring it out on his own. You see, I never learned how to blow a horn, trumpet or bugle. And probably...never asked anyone how to do it. So, it was with great pleasure that the two of us sat down on the couch one morning while at my mom's and BOY taught me how to blow the bugle.
Here Mommy, this is how you do it. [BOY demonstrated, and then handed it to me. ]
I tried to blow it. There was the... lame sound of air lost inside a bugle...it was very sad.
But, HOW do you do that BOY? The sound won't come out.
Mommy, you do it like this. [He then proceeded to show me how you blow a RASPBERRY to make the bugle produce sound, rather than blowing out air.]
OH!! Let me try!! I said.
It worked! I can now produce what probably wouldn't pass for music, but is still a real bugle sound. And, I also have been heard practicing the art of blowing raspberries. It IS an art! Who knew??
We were BOTH thrilled! I loved learning from my BOY and he loved teaching me.
He proceeded to BLOW the bugle all weekend. For our own sanity and the preservation of our ear drums, we kept sending him outside to march around the courtyard. Since he loves to move and can blow a bugle, I'm thinking...MARCHING BAND. Perhaps BOY will invent RUNNING BAND. Apparently while I was in the shower one morning, E, BOY & GIRL had a marching band outside. BOY on bugle, GIRL on drums and E on the harmonica. I'm sorry I missed it.
E IS musical. He has a pleasant tenor singing voice. Sometimes I like to quietly listen to him during church. Most importantly, E can play a mean harmonica. He pulled that out of his hat after we had been dating for a while. Oh, by the way... A friend was playing the guitar, and E just jumped in with the harmonica. It was pretty dreamy....
Unfortunately, I am NOT musical. In any shape or form. I played the cello briefly as a child, and took some piano lessons, but nothing stuck. I didn't have the interest or talent. And...my singing voice is something to be feared. For whoever happens to be around me at the time. Just shy of tone deaf. That would be ME...Which is not to say I don't enjoy music, because I do. Just much more when other people are playing. And the job with the singing telegram company that I had in my 20's? Well, that was a challenge I set for myself to get over my mortal fear of singing solo in public. It worked. And I learned how to really play up the fact that I couldn't sing and put that to good hammy, ham bone use.
Apparently, BOY is expanding his musical interests to include song writer. This morning was the first day at the new preschool for BOY & GIRL. He was very excited. He was ready to go about...oh, 20 minutes before we were due to leave. As he headed out the door, I overheard this...
Let's go, Let's go
to our new school!
dun dun TCH!
dun dun TCH!
We will, We will...
go .. NOW!
dun dun TCH!
dun dun TCH!
Just shy of tone deaf or no...all of us could feel the exciting rhythm of a new school year unfolding...
**Swedish Bugle Boy sculpture courtesy of Google Images