I think I've worked up to drinking gallons of strong Irish Tea by now. Giving up coffee, but not the caffeine. No way. No how. Love that caffeine. Coffee was making me anxious and bitchy. Got the whole neurotic thing going double, triple time. I'd worry so much that I'd worry if I didn't have a problem. Thought process cycle: Should I have a problem? Maybe that's a problem? God, I have a problem!!
So, today was a great day with Boy and Girl. I was going to go to the Y and do yoga and get a break, as E works on Saturdays, and they have child care there. But, it sounded like more fun to hang with the kiddos at home. And I'm glad I did. They had a camp out on the floor of their room in sleeping bags, while I took a shower this morning. They were having so much fun that I had to practically drag them outside. Instead of Boy saying, "Mommy, do you want to play with me?"...it was me saying, "Don't you want to play with ME?" Pretty funny reversal of roles. I left all phones inside and was just there in the moment with them. We played in the sandbox with a pirate, a cement mixer and several cars and trains, one of which of course was Thomas the Tank Engine. Boy continues to be fascinated with going in and out of the new dog door on the garage. I continue to be frustrated by his fascination...aah well, there are worse things. Then we had a picnic lunch outside and read several books. They love picnics! I made one phone call during the whole day and of course Boy had to take that opportunity to do his Nature Call Pee Break in the open air.
This afternoon Girl took a long nap, Boy watched the Curious George movie and I took a break. Later, E got home from work and then headed out to a friend's open house for their new office downtown. I was so happy that he was able to get out and do something for himself. He deserves it! He works so bloody hard.
Dinner was fairly uneventful. A few pieces of corn scattered on the floor, but most of the food was eaten and no one got cranky. Then the usual bath in which at least 1/3 of the water seems to end up on the outside of the bath tub....The latest thing with Boy is that he likes picking out some of his PJ's for Girl to wear. Tonight he picked his rocket ship T-shirt and his fire truck PJ bottoms. It was quite the fashion statement. I always check with Girl and see if it is cool with her - as in, Boy has picked these PJ's out for you, if you want to wear them? She cracks me up, "Mommy, I told Boy that that would be OK with me."
Tonight we read "Curious George goes to the Toy Store" by flashlight on the floor of their room. I stole the idea from E, who did it the other night with Boy, while they were "camped out" in the living room. Great idea, E! The fabulous thing about Boy not napping, the only good thing about him not napping...is that he is out for the count by 7:30pm and I can put Girl down by 8pm. And then we have an actual evening, if I'm still functioning... which is always a dicey call! On that note...
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