O.K., I was tagged by the lovely Lisa,
Mama Milton , for a meme
oh..so loooong ago. And since I tend to procrastinate, shall we say, over doing these memes...
Look, I don't even know
how to pronounce the word meme. That's
how bad it is around here. And after I do a meme, I always remember something else that is so incredibly OBVIOUS that I've forgotten to list it. But, here goes anyway:
8 Things I'm passionate about:
- My husband and my children...they have the ability to fill my heart, sometimes break my heart, and yet they nourish me and are my teachers.
- Chocolate... anywhere, anytime, off of any surface...well maybe not the floor - wait ... 5 second rule!
- Clean underwear....no explanation necessary.
- Books, books and did I say...BOOKS? I love words, the curve of a sentence, the way it wraps around you...
- .... [this is called...the ellipsis.....]
- Sharpened pencils.....mmm...inhale...post-its, sharpies, legal pads...basically any office supplies will do, reminds me of a fresh start - new school year.
- Taking candid pictures of my children...they always surprise me and the camera, I love how the picture you didn't know was there is there!
- Movies in the movie theater...from what I can remember it is where you get to sit in the dark, and immerse yourself in a story that sweeps you up, shown on a large screen.
8 Things I want to do before I die [this strikes me as incredibly morbid, but WHATever]:
- Have a romantic vacation with just my husband... this will require ingenuity, money, leaving children with some sappy soul, and finding a place with no television - all of which seems insurmountable at the present time.
- A trip to Scotland to do a roots tour [no I am not descended from Kunta Kinte, that would be if I was from Africa, which I'd like to be, but am not.]
- Have grandchildren...well, it IS possible...maybe, let's see if BOY has a child at 29 I will be in my 70's, a mere spring chicken.
- Spend at least a month in France and Italy...who wouldn't?
- Go back to visit Lebanon...a place of many special memories and left so quickly all those years ago.
- Have "a room of one's own"...studio space with natural light for painting, writing and a chaise lounge for reading and lounging- oh, and my own computer & desk!
- Know that my children have grown into happy, loving, peaceful adults wanting to make a difference in the world. [LOOK, I've run out of "to do's," O.K.?]
- Have published something...a poem, a story, a sentence, anything will do.
8 Things I say often:
- Actually, ....
- Apparently, ...
- That's really cool [O.K., I'm embarrassed, but I say it...OFTEN]
- O.K., ...
- You're going to lose your privileges! [yes, this is what I say to E every night]
- Would you like to earn some privileges? [what I say to E every morning]
- TIME OUT!!! [A useless exercise in futility, but time-outs are really for me, anyway.]
- No way! [Still embarrassed]
8 books I've read recently [hahahaha....I'm changing this to 8 of the 12 books I have stacked next to my bed, some I'm reading, some I intend to read.]
- Conversations with Erica Jong [a collection of interviews, that I'm just diving into] - edited by Charlotte Templin
- Bel Canto by Ann Patchett - this was a great read!
- The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley - half-way through!
- Today Matters: 12 daily practices to guarantee tomorrow's success by John C. Maxwell - GOD knows I could use some guarantees!
- Positive Discipline for Preschoolers by Jane Nelsen, E.d.D., Cheryl Erwin, M.A., and Roslyn Duffy - positive....positive...GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW YOU BAD BOY!...positive, positive...maybe it will rub off.
- Are Men Necessary: When sexes collide by Maureen Dowd - a must read, just for the controversy.
- Last Child in the Woods: Saving our children from Nature-Deficit Disorder - a fascinating book that weighs heavily, and that's just the introduction.
- Raising your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka - all kidding aside, I LOVED this book - need to get the updated edition that came out in 2006 or this year.
8 Songs I can listen to over and over:
- Tall trees in Georgia by Eva Cassidy
- Building a Mystery by Sarah McLachlan
- You're so Vain by Carly Simon
- You've got a Friend by Carole King
- Magic Man, Crazy on You, Kick it Out, Dog & Butterfly by Heart
- Perfect Fit by Van Morrison
- Crazy by Seal
- Any song by Joni Mitchell period.
8 things that attract me to my best friends:
- Laughter, humor & wittiness
- Ability to gab and gab and gab and gab...and gab...and gab
- Kindness
- Generosity
- Being from another country and culture
- Someone who is not afraid of my tears
- Heavy drinkers [it helps them with #8]
- A good listener
8 People who should TOTALLY do this meme [if you don't want to do it, that's NOT O.K.-- I mean it's fine, fine!, I'll just have to come over and do some blog ass kicking]:
Johanna at Inside Out
Attack of the Redneck Mommy
Liv at madness, madness i say
Kellan at On the Upside
Professor J at Professor J's Place
Janet at Adventures in the 32-Aker Wood
Bub and Pie
And then I have to make special mention of Tootsie Farklepants who tagged me for a Christmas meme that I failed to do. Tootsie, my dear sexy woman, I have failed you and I am sorry. Every time I started to do the Christmas meme, and I tried several times [I swear on my chocolate smeared keyboard pad!!!] I kept hearing:
I do not like them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
I do not like Christmas memes. I do not like them Ms. Farklepants.
Basically, I'm just lazy. But, I do like you and so I magnificently tag you...Ms. Tootsie with the Farkle in her pants. [See this is what happens when I do memes!! I completely, totally lose my mind. Now, of course there is NO PRESSURE for you to do the meme. Just wanted to lob something back over to you, girl. Your serve!]